"Remembering" is a new 3-year project bringing together artists, curators, thinkers, activists and experts to explore memorial processes, archive and contemporary narratives.
"Remembering" is a new 3-year project bringing together artists, curators, thinkers, activists and experts to explore memorial processes, archive and contemporary narratives. The first year will be focusing on the issue of memory transmission through archives in an event with a joint panel of European experts as a feature of the Holocaust Education Week. It wil lbe followed by a series of school talks, academic talks, workshops and art performances. The second and third years are expected to explore respectively the history of LGBTQ rights and the impact of gay activism; as well as the living memory and culture of indigenous peoples of Canada and Europe and the question of cultural era sure as a product of colonialism. As each phase of the project focuses on controversial periods in history, the cluster wants to shedlight on these events and facilitate access to original archival material and build strong relationships with partners from the local community.