EU National Institutes for Culture - EUNIC


Rethinking the future of museums
Casa Europa at Flip 2019: Morning session with Joelle Taylor and Nina George

The devastating fire at the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro in September 2018 was the point of departure for the second edition of EUNIC Rio and São Paulo´s presence at FLIP (International Literary Festival in Paraty), the most important literary and discourse event in Brazil, between 10 and 14 July 2019. Find out what EUNIC Brazil did next.

The devastating fire at the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro in September 2018 was the point of departure for the second edition of EUNIC Rio and São Paulo's presence at FLIP (International Literary Festival in Paraty), the most important literary and discourse event in Brazil, between 10 and 14 July 2019. Experts from Europe and Brazil discussed “The Future of the Museums” in the prominent baroque church Santa Rita where five thematic talks and artist interventions were presented which attracted around 2,500 visitors. Thanks to a first time cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Lounge Casa Europe invited visitors to browse through thematic book collections and to write personal letters to the National Museum or another museum of their choice.

After FLIP most of the guests travelled to Rio de Janeiro to participate in the after event “Pós-FLIP-FLUP” hosted by the Rio based literature festival FLUP which traditionally hosts a day of discussions with a selection of international writers and researchers from FLIP. A variety of topics ranging from the accessibility of museums to matters of cultural memory hit the audience´s nerves. 3,000 visitors attended four talks and a poetry slam. As the conclusion of the day, a talk on black feminism in turbulent times with Berlin based writer Grada Kilomba and Brazilian writer and activist Conceição Evaristo won standing ovations.

  • Museum
  • De-Colonisation
  • Cultural heritage

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