EU National Institutes for Culture - EUNIC

EUNIC New Delhi, "sā: Himalayan Land Art Festival ", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Doyel Joshi & Neil Ghose Balser
EUNIC Algeria, "A journey from waste to art", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Embassy of Denmark in Algeria.
EUNIC Serbia, "Belgrade Urban Oases", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Aleksandar Gazbiara
EUNIC Thailand, "Creatives for Climate Action - Thailand (CCAT)", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Austrian Embassy in Thailand.
EUNIC Kenya, "Mombasa Ocean Festival", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Alliance française de Mombasa

Apply Now: EUNIC Cluster Fund Call for Proposals 2024

The EUNIC Cluster Fund call for proposals is open to applications from all EUNIC clusters worldwide until 6 November 2024. This year's call invites clusters to address different aspects of sustainability through cultural relations activities.

EUNIC New Delhi, "sā: Himalayan Land Art Festival ", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Doyel Joshi & Neil Ghose Balser
EUNIC Algeria, "A journey from waste to art", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Embassy of Denmark in Algeria.
EUNIC Serbia, "Belgrade Urban Oases", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Aleksandar Gazbiara
EUNIC Thailand, "Creatives for Climate Action - Thailand (CCAT)", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Austrian Embassy in Thailand.
EUNIC Kenya, "Mombasa Ocean Festival", Cluster Fund 2023. Credits: Alliance française de Mombasa


The purpose of the annual EUNIC Cluster Fund is to co-finance clusters’ projects that contribute to the principles of international cultural relations and to the collaborative implementation of the EUNIC Strategic Framework for 2020-2024. Since its establishment in 2012, the Cluster Fund has been EUNIC's primary instrument to financially support colleagues working in clusters in delivering cultural relations activities.

Call criteria

All EUNIC clusters are invited to apply with a cultural relations project until Wednesday, 6 November 2024. An expert jury will select proposals in the second half of November. Selected projects will be implemented throughout 2025.

Clusters can apply for up to 20,000 euros, which can constitute a maximum of 60% of the total project budget. Submitted proposals have to involve a minimum of three Full EUNIC Members, close collaboration with key local cultural partner organisations and where relevant with the EU Delegation or European Commission Representation is welcome. Partners can be any arts and cultural organisations, civil society organisations as well as public bodies.

The project needs to be aligned with the local Cluster Strategy and the cultural relations principles more generally. In line with EUNIC's organisational commitment to the topic of fair collaboration in cultural relations, partnerships at eye-level should be at the core of the design and implementation of all submitted projects, including active participation and governance of all partners to ensure ownership by all.

Optional thematic focus

In continuation of EUNIC’s recent developments, e.g., the Climate Culture(s) Creative Lab in Berlin 2023 and the follow up research commission, as well as EUNIC’s ongoing committment to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, at the June 2024 General Assembly EUNIC members emphasized their continuous commitment to the topic of sustainability. Accordingly, the Cluster Fund 2024 strongly welcomes project proposals that address the wider concept of sustainability in all its different forms directly through cultural activities, be it through addressing the UN’s SDG framework, climate and environmental action, or projects with a sustainable impact on the local scene. All submitted proposals are encouraged to follow this priority. However, this focus is optional - proposals with a different focus remain welcome and eligible. In any case, environmental sustainability should be taken into account in the design and implementation of the projects.


  • 30 October 2024: Last day to request optional feedback from the EUNIC office
  • 6 November 2024 (at 23:59 CET): Deadline for submission of proposals
  • 2nd half of November 2024: Jury meeting - selection of proposals
  • Beginning of December 2024: publication of selection results
  • January – December 2025: Project implementation period

How to apply?

The following documents need to be submitted latest by 6 November 2024 (at 23:59 CET) to

  • Application form completed in English
  • Estimated budget (in EUR) completed in English
  • Cluster Strategy (only if not already previously submitted to the EUNIC office; templates and examples available here).

All necessary documents can be found in the Cluster Fund application package online here.

EUNIC office support

If you have any questions about the call or the application process, do not hesitate to contact the cluster management team at the EUNIC office at

From September 2024, the EUNIC office will host a series of online webinars on the call. More information about the specific dates will be communicated early September.

  • Cluster Fund
  • Clusters
  • Open Calls
  • Fair Collaboration
  • SDG
  • Climate

Co-funded by the European Union Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.